Syngenta Launches Impasse Termite Blocker to PMPs
GREENSBORO, NC -- Syngenta Professional Products launched Impasse Termite Blocker to a premier group of pest management professionals and key industry specialists during recent meetings in Los Cabos, Mexico.
“We had many of the top innovative pest management companies around the country take part in our launch meetings because they realize the value Impasse Termite Blocker brings to the market and to their business,” said Karen Westcott, marketing manager, Syngenta Professional Products
The new tool allows PMPs to stop termites from accessing homes through gaps caused by shrinkage around utility penetrations and bath trap areas. It can be used as a complementary upgrade to existing termite preconstruction treatments such as liquid termiticides, baits and borates.
Authorized PMPs can expand their product offerings and be able to put the profit back into pretreat — Impasse Termite Blockers are simple to install, so there’s no technical training needed.
Several key Syngenta executives spoke on the merits of Impasse Termite Blockers and how the product fits into the pest management industry, including Bill Lewis, vice president, Keelan Pulliam, group head, and Mike Mack, president of Syngenta Crop Protection. Other presentations included:
“Pest Control Litigation – Is it avoidable?” was the topic of discussion given by Greg Crosslin, principal attorney, Crosslin & Associates, P.C. As a consultant on litigation-avoidance issues and risk management programs in the area of home preconstruction treatments, Crosslin’s speech was well received by the PMP audience.
Crosslin discussed the significance of insurance claims, and how just one claim can keep a PMP from being able to purchase coverage or it could result in having to pay 100% to 500% higher premiums. The solution, he said, was to do a better job partnering with homeowners so they would know that PMPs are protecting their biggest investment – their home.
“I believe that the single best tool in combating and preventing lawsuits from ever arising is a well-trained technician providing proper service, using the best products on the market and applying those products according to the label requirements and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a well-written contract,” Crosslin told PMPs. He said a new synergy is vital between manufacturers, PMPs and consumers.“Key to Selling New Technology Upgrades to Builders” was presented by Rick Fitzer, owner of Genesis Designer Homes, LLC. Fitzer rose to the top of the Savannah, GA, homebuilding industry in less then five years of starting his company.
“How to Market and Sell the Value of New and Different Technology” was given by Gregory Carpenter, a Kellogg School of Management renowned professor who teaches marketing strategy.
In addition to the educational sessions, attendees took part in an Impasse Termite Blocker installation event held at foundations built near where the meeting was held. The installation event teamed Syngenta personnel with PMPs and university attendees, and awarded the top three teams who were able to properly install Impasse Termite Blockers the quickest. The installation event provided each PMP hands- on installation experience that demonstrated how simple and quick the product is to install.
Impasse Termite Blocker is made of a durable, construction-grade polymer with a specially formulated termiticide “locked in” between two outer layers. The active ingredient is Lambda-cyhalothrin, an insecticide with excellent efficacy against termite species. Data shows its formulation and design helps control termites.It presents virtually no exposure to installers or release into the environment.
The product is available in various sizes to fit all pipe diameters, and there is a specially designed Blocker to fit all bath trap areas. Each unit can be installed and tightly sealed around a pipe in less than a minute; so protecting an entire home can take less than 30 minutes.